От: ICCIMA'05 [secretary@iccima.org]
Отправлено: 12 января 2005 г. 22:37
Кому: conf@stewie.Egr.UNLV.EDU
Тема: [ICCIMA/ICSE05] CFP: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications 2005

We apologize if this is a duplicate email. This list is used solely for ICCIMA/ICSE.

International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Multimedia Applications, August 16-18, 2005
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
F I R S T    C A L L      F O R     P A P E R S
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications will be held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA on August 16-18, 2005. The conference will provide an international forum for discussion on issues in the areas of Computational Intelligence and Multimedia for scientists, engineers, researchers and practitioners. ICCIMA05 is organized jointly with  International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSE'05: www.icseng.info) and the registered participants of ICCIMA05 will be able to attend ICSEng05.

The conference will include sessions on theory, implementation and applications, as well as the non-technical areas of challenges in education and technology transfer to industry. There will be both oral and poster sessions.  Accepted full papers will be included in the proceedings  to be published by IEEE CS Press. Selected papers will be published in "International Journal on Computational Intelligence and Applications" published by World Scientific Publishing Company Press.
Several well-known keynote speakers will address the conference.
 Conference Topics Include (but not limited to):
   Artificial Intelligence
   Artificial Neural Networks
   Pattern Recognition
   Fuzzy Systems
   Genetic Algorithms
   Hybrid Systems
   Intelligent Control
   Intelligent Databases
   Knowledge-based Engineering
   Learning Algorithms
   Memory, Storage and Retrieval
   Multimedia Systems
   Formal Models for Multimedia
   Interactive Multimedia
   Multimedia and Virtual Reality
   Multimedia and Telecommunications
   Multimedia Information Retrieval
   Multimedia and Security
   Multimedia Hardware
   Multimedia and Algorithms
Special Sessions, Pre-Conference Workshops and Tutorial:
Proposals for special sessions, pre-conference workshops and tutorials relevant to the conference topics are invited. The deadline for submitting the proposal is Feb 15, 2005.
Special Poster Session:
 ICCIMA'05 will include a special poster session devoted to recent work and work-in-progress. Abstracts are solicited for this session (2 page limit) in camera ready form, and may be submitted up to 30 days before the conference date. They will not be refereed and will not be
included in the proceedings, but will be distributed to attendees upon arrival. Students are especially encouraged to submit abstracts for
this session.
 Invited Sessions
Keynote speakers (key industrialists, chief research  scientists and leading academics) will be addressing the main issues of the conference.

Important Dates:
Submission of papers received latest on:  March 10, 2005
Submission of Papers
Papers in English reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. Electronic submission of papers via
 www.iccima.org. Visit the web page for more information.
Page Limits
Papers for refereeing should be double-spaced and must include an abstract of 100-150 words with up to six keywords.
Selected papers will have a limit of 6 pages in the proceedings to be published by IEEE.

 Evaluation Process
All submissions will be refereed based on the following criteria by
two reviewers with appropriate background.
     contribution to the area of research
     technical quality
     relevance to ICCIMA 2005 topics
     clarity of presentation
 Referees report will be provided to all authors.
 Check List
 Prospective authors should check that the following items are attached
 and guidelines followed while submitting the papers for refereeing
     * The paper and its title page should not contain the name(s) of
       the author(s), or their affiliation
     * The paper should have attached a covering page containing
       the following information
         -title of the paper
         -author name(s), title, affiliation, mail and e-mail addresses, phone
          and fax numbers
         -Conference topic area
         -up to six keywords
     * The name, e-mail, phone, fax and postal address of the contact
       person should be attached to the submission.

Contact Information:

ICCIMA' 05 Secretariat
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 454026
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4026

Phone:  +1 702 895 4184
Fax:      +1 702 895 1115
email:    secretary@iccima.org
URL:      http://www.iccima.org/